At Trinity, there is a place for you. Join us as we seek to follow Jesus.
Come and See
Come and Serve
Follow Christ
Sunday Morning Worship: 9:30am
Children's Church: 9:30am Starting in Worship
This Week’s Worship: - 9:30am Online and In-Person
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in currently worshiping both in-person and online at 9:30am Sunday mornings.
Our online worship services can be found on our Facebook Page and on our YouTube Channel.
You do not need to be a member of Facebook in order to go to the page and watch the worship service.
If you are not a Facebook member, you may need to scroll down past the signup box on mobile devices to find the worship service. If you are on a computer, you will need to find the small words at the bottom of the signup popup box to refuse signing up and watch the service. You may need to scroll down a little to find the worship.
Push the button below to enter the Trinity’s Facebook Page and watch the worship.
Upcoming Special Events and Reminders:
How Can God Shine Light in the Darkness of Your World
The Word of God desires more than anything to shine a light into the dark corners of your world.
Join us at 9:30am Sunday mornings, Jesus has a word for you!
Ash Wednesday - March 5th
March 5th at 12:00pm (Noon) we will take time to intentionally turn our lives toward Jesus once again.
You are welcome to join us in-person for Ash Wednesday worship or online on our Facebook Page or YouTube Channel.
Take A Year To Delve Deeply Into Your Own Faith Through The Psalms
Pastor Jira Albers invites you to take a year to meditate on the Psalms and deeply ingest the words of these faithful people who had the same faith struggles and joys as all of us. Allow the Spirit of God to move you through their words.
Come and See, Come and Serve, Follow Christ
We are a people whose lives are shaped by seeing, serving, and following Jesus Christ.
We challenge you to join us in allowing Jesus’ promise to affect you deeply (See).
We challenge you to join us is serving the Lord and those who the Lord cares for most deeply: the poor, the outcast, and the hurting (Serve).
We challenge you to walk in the ways of Jesus which are full of Mercy, Grace, and Love (Follow).
Worship is at 9:30am Sunday mornings. We are a liturgical church, meaning the pattern of our worship makes sure to tell the story of Jesus' whole life each and every Sunday. Join us to taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
We are a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person-questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world.
We are a community that has been set free by God's grace to worship, learn, and serve together. Come as you are. Hurting, broken, whole, searching, confident? You will find a place with us no matter where you find yourself in life.
Updates Via Our Facebook Page
Pastor Jira Albers
Pastor Jira Albers has been serving Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church since 2003. He has a Master of Divinity and is passionate about sharing God's love in what he says and does, studying the Bible, connecting with those who like to question and search in matters of faith and religion, helping those who are struggling, helping the poor, playing the guitar and writing music, creating scenery and lighting for live theatre, and spending time with his family. Above all, he would love to get to know you and help you grow in your life with Jesus.